Tag Archives: first kiss

Mastering the First Kiss


by Sabrina Cohen

The lines between gender roles are becoming increasingly blurred, but when it comes to that coveted first kiss, it’s still generally considered a man’s move to make. I spoke to several single women who all agreed that mastering the first kiss experience is as simple as avoiding these potentially tragic pitfalls.


First kisses can be nerve-wracking, even for the most confident lady-killers. It’s all about timing. Don’t go for it when the cab is pulled over in honking traffic or while she’s mid-sentence. The best kisses occur in moments of electrifying chemistry. Look for consistent exchanges of flirtatious smiles and strong eye contact. If you overthink the delivery, it may seem contrived or worse—cheesy. Your best bet is to be au natural.


Sometimes we can work our way over this hurdle, and other times it’s a hopeless endeavor. Many women (and men) equate skills in the kissing department to skills in the bedroom. Kissing like you did in 7th grade or like you’re the star of a porn flick—NOT a turn-on! If you’re lucky enough to get one on a first date, slow, soft, and steady typically wins the first kiss race.


It happens… to some more than others. A first date warrants your very best, so a good night kiss laced with the scent of anything other than Altoids or minty fresh gum is just downright unforgivable. Brush, floss, gargle, and then go for yours!

What are your rules of engagement? Are you guilty of any of these first-kiss crimes? Please share your thoughts below.

Sabrina Cohen is a blogger, copywriter, and creative consultant for MarketSmiths.com.


Filed under Date Etiquette, Dating Tips